понедельник, 6 декабря 2010 г.

Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University

The Media School at Bournemouth University is the largest centre of professionally based Higher Education for the media and communications industries in the UK, offering high-quality, industry-recognised courses in Media Production, Journalism and Communication, Computer Animation and Corporate & Marketing Communications.

Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the Media School has been assessed as 'excellent' by the Quality Assurance Agency and its research in the area of computer animations has been rated 5 in the most recent Research Assessment Exercise. Currently the school has around 1,850 undergraduate and 250 postgraduate students.

The Media School is the UK's only Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (as designated by Higher Education Funding Council for England) and is also an accredited Skillset Screen and Media Academy. These endorsements firmly establish the School as a major education centre for the media industries. In addition the School is involved in a range of high profile Research and Knowledge Transfer initiatives.

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